COMP 2120 - Object Oriented Programming Using Java
Variables, Methods, Arrays, Classes, Objects, String
Manipulations, Event Handling, File Handling, Inheritance,
Polymorphism, Interfaces, Abstract Classes, Exception Handling
Average: 95%
COMP 2140 - Computer Languages, Grammars and Translators
JLex, JavaCup, Regex, DFA Simulator, Scanner Generation, Parser
Generation, Syntax Directed Translation, Recursive Descent
Average: 85%
COMP 2540 - Data Structure and Algorithms
Stack, Singly Linked List, Queue, Heap, Binary Search Tree,
Insertion Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Heap Sort
Average: 91%
COMP 2800 - Software Development
Java Swing APIs and Components, Pong Game, Sprite Animation,
Contact Database, Client and Server Character Customization,
Multithreaded Character and Directory Size Calculator
Average: 84%
COMP 3220 - Object Oriented Software Analysis and Design
Case Studies, Protoyping, Proof of Concepts, Agile Development,
Low Coupling, UP (Unified Process), FURPS+, Use Cases, UML
Diagrams, GRASP, Refactoring, Scrum
Average: 87%
FIRST Robotics Mentor
Aided High School Students in Java Programming used to create
task oriented robots that compete in high stakes competitions.
Troubleshot and debugged programs under pressure while still
teaching students the process and keeping them involved.
Personal Websites
Created both single and multi-page portfolio websites, one for
me and one for my past supervisor.
Used to concretely show my skills, creativity and versatility.
Created to act as customizable personal portfolios to show off
Personal Websites
Created flip cards, collapsible elements and other interactive
components to draw the eye in and captivate the reader.
Used variables to create palettes for light and dark mode to be
used interchangably.
Had fun with it and used my creativity to make visually
appealing sites.
JavaScript Essential Training
Variables, Data Types, Arrays, Operators, Methods, Functions,
Conditional Statements, Objects, Constructors, Inheritance, DOM,
Events, Event Listeners
JavaScript Hands On Training
Weather Forecaster, Dark Mode Switcher, Loaders, API Handling
React.js Essential Training
Elements, Components, Properties, Lists, Forms, Hooks, APIs,
Fetching Data, Destructuring, Create React App, React Testing
Library, React Router, Babel, JSX
Personal Websites
Implemented dark mode switchers that save their last status on
refresh, using event listeners, local storage and DOM
Created an interactive overlay that houses navigation for my
site using DOM manipulation.
Used events, listeners and the DOM to create a responsive
selection bar that responds to both the user and arrow
COMP 1400 - Intro to Programming and Algorithms I
Binary and Unary Command Line Calculator, Variables, Constants,
Data Types, Loops, One Dimension Arrays, Algorithmic structure,
Sequential Logic, Modular Programming, Text Files
Average: 92%
COMP 1410 - Intro to Programming and Algorithms II
Multi-Dimensional Arrays, Pointers, Strings, Advanced Modular
Programming, Records, Binary Files, Recursion, Stacks, Linked
Lists, Algorithm Analysis
Average: 93%
Hit and Run Algorithm
Created an algorithm using file handling, random number
generation, mathematical calculations, vector operations and
conditional logic.
Practiced concepts such as memory management, algorithm
analysis, debugging and troubleshooting.
FIRST Robotics Programming Leader
Programmed multiple 125 pound robots, designed to complete
specific missions in high stakes competitions.
Created 15 second auto modes that ran completely independently
as well as automated as many functions as possible for the
driver controlled period to help reduce error.
Utilized Object Oriented Programming principles to create clear,
well-documented code that could be changed easily on the go.
Siemens NXOpen
Automated Siemens NX Drafting Preferences using NXOpen
libraries, classes, try/catch statements and conditional logic.
Practiced concepts such as resource management, error handling
and OOP principles.
SQL Essential Training - Linkedin Learning
Search, Filter, Insertion, Modification, Deletion, Queries,
Operators, Case Statements, Joins, Tables, Functions, Grouping,
Nesting, Stored Queries, Relational Databases, SQL, DB Browser,
COMP 2660 - Computer Architecture II
Endianness, Arrays, String Manipulation, Stack Manipulation,
Numerical Base Conversions, Recursion, Fibonacci algorithm, GCD
Average: 86%
COMP 2067 - Programming for Beginners
Variables, Data Types, Loops, Functions, Classes, Objects,
Conditionals, Operators, String Manipulation, File Handling,
Data Structures, Packages, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Libraries
Average: 95%
Hit and Run Algorithm
Translated the algorithm coded in C into Python